Parton physics from a heavy-quark operator product expansion: Formalism and strategy
Chi-Jen Lin1*, William Detmold2, Anthony Grebe2, Issaku Kanamori3, Robert Perry1, Yong Zhao4
1Institute of Physics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
3RCCS, RIKEN, Kobe, Japan
4Department of Physics, Argonne National Lab, Lemont, IL, USA
* Presenter:Chi-Jen Lin,
Parton distribution functions (PDFs) and light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) are crucial non-perturbative quantities of for understanding  high-energy inelastic and elastic scattering of hadrons, respectively.   As a result, first-principle calculations for these objects are important.  Being the only reliable non-perturbative method for performing computations in quantum field theory, lattice field theory is the most suitable tool for such calculations.  In this talk, I discuss the challenges in applying lattice QCD to parton physics, and introduce a strategy for this task [Phys. Rev. D 73 (2006), 014501and Phys. Rev. D 104 (2021) 7, 074511].  The key feature of this strategy is the introduction of a fictitious, valence heavy quark, which leads to several advantages, such as a partial suppression of higher-twist effects, in lattice calculation.   A numerical implementation of this approach for the pion light-cone distribution amplitude is presented at Robert Perry's talk at this conference.

Keywords: quantum chromodynamics, lattice field theory, hadron structure