科教領域鮮為人知的創新工作 Barely known but very useful Science education works
1航空光機電系, 萬能科技大學, 桃園, Taiwan
* Presenter:CHIEN-HENG CHOU, email:chou0717@gmail.com

This lecture mainly introduces the content and purpose of the author’s work in the past few decades, hoping to expand the promotion of related achievements and substantially to improve the quality of physics teaching at home and abroad by using these achievements.

The content of the textbook is indeed very important, but there is room for improvement in the way of expression. The appropriate topics were carefully selected, and a series of teaching instruments were developed to teach the key points of the selected topics. Furthermore, appropriate books, lesson plans, explanations which illustrate the selected topics and related educational instruments were written. Therefore several complete teaching resources are formed. Such works have a certain value in terms of practical application, market demand, and even promotion.

The so-called complete theme means that the content covered can form a specific theme that can be used, further developed, and understood, because sporadic or loosely organized scientific knowledge is often not practical or helpful for further study.

The chosen theme seems familiar to everyone and well known, but it is not true. The fact is that common teaching flaws that cause learners to have a half-understanding or even misunderstanding of these most common principles.

The author uses several innovative series of teaching aids and supporting text materials to make it easy for people to understand these topics in depth and correctly.
Aiming at such a scientific theme, it is an innovative idea to develop various series of teaching instruments and write the text content of the explanation of the series of teaching instruments. The works that have been completed or tried is as follows: 1. Principles of power generation, 2. Principles of heat engine, 3. Principles of wind turbines, 4. Principles of microscopes and telescopes.
Although all the topics are well known and very popular, most people could not exactly understand the knowledge related to the topics and could not use the knowledge to solve the practical problems and to develop new achievements. Author’s works help people understand completely and organize the related knowledge by demonstrating related series of education instruments and by the related books. Therefore learners can master the knowledge deeply and correctly and use the knowledge to innovate new achievements.

Keywords: 系列教具、完整教材、教科書 Educational instruments, textbooks, 熱機 Principles of heat engine, 風力發電 Principles of wind turbines, 顯微鏡與望遠鏡 Principles of microscopes and telescopes, 發電 Principles of power generation