Experimental test of non-macrorealistic cat states in the cloud
huan-yu ku1,2*, Neill Lambert2, Clive Emary3, Yueh-Nan Chen1,2, Franco Nori2,4
1Department of Physics and Center for Quantum Frontiers of Research & Technology (QFort), National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
2Theoretical Quantum Physics Laboratory, RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research, Wako-shi, Japan
3Joint Quantum Centre Durham-Newcastle, School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, UK
4Department of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
* Presenter:huan-yu ku, email:huan_yu@phys.ncku.edu.tw
The Leggett–Garg inequality attempts to classify experimental outcomes as arising from one of two possible classes of physical theories: those described by macrorealism (which obey our intuition about how the macroscopic classical world behaves) and those that are not (e.g., quantum theory). The development of cloud-based quantum computing devices enables us to explore the limits of macrorealism. In particular, here we take advantage of the properties of the programmable nature of the IBM quantum experience to observe the violation of the Leggett–Garg inequality (in the form of a ‘quantum witness’) as a function of the number of constituent systems (qubits), while simultaneously maximizing the ‘disconnectivity’, a potential measure of macroscopicity, between constituents. Our results show that two- and four-qubit ‘cat states’ (which have large disconnectivity) are seen to violate the inequality, and hence can be classified as non-macrorealistic. In contrast, a six-qubit cat state does not violate the ‘quantum witness’ beyond a so-called clumsy invasive-measurement bound, and thus is compatible with ‘clumsy macrorealism’. As a comparison, we also consider un-entangled product states with n = 2, 3, 4 and 6 qubits, in which the disconnectivity is low.

Keywords: temporal quantum correlation, quantum computer, quantum coherence