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Dr. Laurent Lellouch

CNRS Research Director at the Center for Theoretical Physics, CNRS & Aix-Marseille University

Head of the Particle Physics Group


Chief advisor for Scientific Computing, Data and Open Science, CNRS Institute of Physics

Member of the Particle Data Group

Co-founder of the Budapest-Marseille-Wuppertal collaboration for lattice quantum chromodynamics



1987General Electric Fellowship for graduate studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1992Postdoctoral fellowship, University of Southampton
1994Recipient of a Research Scientist position, CNRS national recruitment competition in Theoretical Physics
1997-1999CERN Fellow
2001Visiting Fellow, Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington
2005Guest Professor at University of Wuppertal
2007International expert on review panel of US Lattice QCD project (US DOE)
2008International expert on review panel of the Theory Divisions of the US DOE National Laboratories
2009-2011Editorial Board, Physical Review D
2009-2017Founding member of the Flavor Lattice Averaging Group (FLAG)
2013PI of the OCEVU Excellence Laboratory grant “Lattice QCD enlightens dark matter”
2014PI of the OCEVU Excellence Laboratory grant “The muon anomalous magnetic moment and the search for new physics in the LHC era”
2015Visiting Scientist, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP), UC Santa Barbara
2019PI of the Aix-Marseille Excellence Initiative Research Chair project on “Lattice QCD”

PI of numerous supercomputing projects for the French National Institute for Supercomputing Resources (GENCI) and for PRACE projects on Tier-0 European supercomputers Regular external reviewer for US DOE’ s “Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE)” program Regular reviewer for calls of the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) Referee for DIRAC HPC Resource Allocation Committee, UK Referee for Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) grants, UK


Time:2022/1/24 14:10-15:00
Location:Jhongjheng Hall中正堂
Title:Magnetic moment of the muon, the search for new fundamental physics and a lattice quantum chromodynamics calculation of hadronic vacuum polarization



Prof. Michael Cates

Position: The Lucasian Professor of Mathematics and Royal Society Research Professor

Institution: Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.

Centre for Mathematical Sciences University of Cambridge

Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA



1991Maxwell Prize and Medal of the Institute of Physics
1994Prix Franco-Britannique de l’Acad´emie des Sciences (Paris)
1996Fellow of the Institute of Physics
2001James Franck Institute Distinguished Lecturer, University of Chicago
2005Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
2007Fellow of the Royal Society
2009Gold Medal of the British Society of Rheology
2009Dirac Medal and Prize of the Institute of Physics
2010US Society of Rheology Publication Award (best Journal of Rheology paper of 2009)
2011European Physical Journal E Pierre Gilles de Gennes Lecture Prize
2013Burstein Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania
2013Weissenberg Award, European Society of Rheology
2013–2016Honorary Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge
2015Honorary Professor, University of Edinburgh
2016Senior Research Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge 
2016Bingham Medal, US Society of Rheology
2019Foreign Member, US National Academy of Engineering
2021Foreign Member, US National Academy of Sciences

Time:2022/1/24 15:10-16:00
Location:Jhongjheng Hall中正堂
Title:Statistical field theory for active matter



Dr. Ching-Ming Wei

Distinguished Research Fellow,
Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences,
Academia Sinica



1994Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council, Taiwan
1996Achievement in Asia Award, Oversea Chinese Physics Association (OCPA)
1997Fellow, Taiwan (ROC) Physical Society, Taiwan
1999Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council, Taiwan
2004Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
2011Fellow, American Physical Society (APS)
2020Outstanding Special Researcher Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Time:2022/01/25 11:00-12:00
Location:Jhongjheng Hall中正堂
Title:Computational Materials Studies Using DFT and DQMC



Dr. Geoffrey Bower

Adjunct Research Fellow, Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics

Affiliate Graduate Faculty, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawaii at Manoa



1991National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
1994The Berkeley Fellowship for Graduate Study
1996NASA Fellowship for Graduate Student Research
1997Mary Elizabeth Uhl Thesis Prize, UC Berkeley
2000Best lecture, NRAO Interferometry Summer School
2005Blanket Exceptional Principal Investigator Status, UC Berkeley
2008Hellman Family Foundation Faculty Fund Award
2013Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA) Visiting Speaker
2019RCUH Employee of the Year Award
2019NSF Diamond Achievement Award (joint with EHTC)
2019CTCI Foundation Science Contribution Award (joint with EHTC)
2020Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics (joint with EHTC)
2020Einstein Medal (joint with EHTC)
2020AAS Rossi Prize (joint with EHTC)
2020Watson Memorial Lecture, UIUC Physics

Time:2022/1/26 11:00-12:00
Location:Jhongjheng Hall中正堂
Title:Imaging Black Holes with the Event Horizon Telescope