壁報發表 / Poster Presentation
Due to COVID-19 circumtances, the poster sessions in TPS 2022 Annual Meeting are on-line only events.
- 展示時間/ Exhibition time:
Whova platform & Gather town : 2022/1/24 (Mon) 18:30- 20:30
Whova platform : 2022/1/24 (Mon) 18:30- 20:30、2022/1/25 (Tue) 15:00- 17:00
- 壁報評分時間/ Award competition reviewing time:
Gather town: 2022/1/24 (Mon) 18:30- 20:30
- Deadline for upload of poster video link: 24:00, January 10, 2022
Poster File Format Restrictions
- Single page .pdf format is the only file types that may be used.
- Minimum width is 1000px (26.46cm).
- Minimum height is 600px (15.88cm).
- Maximum file size is 30 MB.
海報檔案格式為pdf,內容和檔案大小以1頁、30 MB為限。
The 2-minute video (no standard format) will be uploaded to the presenter’s Youtube channel, and the link to the video will be submitted to the Whova platform.
影音檔(無限定格式)請上傳到發表人的Youtube (設定為不公開),並在Whova平台中貼上連結。
The pdf file of the poster will be uploaded to the Whova platform.
Poster presenter on the meeting site can go to classrooms on the 1st to 4th floor in the Lecture and Research hall (LR) to participate the poster sessions. Please remember to bring your laptop with you. During the poster session, please use headset to avoid disturbing other attendees. The organizer will provide a simple headset for each on-site attendee at the registration desk.
Poster Space in Gather Town
TPS 2022 Poster Space A:AM、EES、PF、PP、PT、QI。
TPS 2022 Poster Space B:AG、SC、SM。
TPS 2022 Poster Space C:BPI、SL。
TPS 2022 Poster Space D:AI、SOE。
TPS 2022 Poster Space E:MSP、OP。
請到Whova平臺取得Poster Space的連結。
Please go to Whova platform to find the link to Poster Space.
Gather Town場地平面圖
本次海報競賽共有5個Gather Town場地,每個場地有正中央的入口大廳和左、右兩個海報展場。每個場地的入口是大廳正中央,地面有場地編號 (A ~ E),並會標註兩側海報展場的海報領域。大廳和展場有三個出入口,如圖上的紅色、黃色箭號所示。每一個棕色正方形則代表每一張海報的展示位置。
There are 5 Gather Town space for poster competition, and each space has an entrance foyer and two poster exhibition rooms (on the left and right sides of the foyer). The entrance location is the foyer center, where the Town space label (A to E) is shown on the floor with signs denoting the sub-sessions. There are 3 doors connecting the foyer and each exhibition room, as shown by the red and yellow arrows. Each brown square stands for one single poster.