Announcement on prevention efforts for COVID-19 in 2022 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan
- According to the statistics collected by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) in Taiwan , most confirmed cases are imported cases and being treated in isolation at the hospital. The COVID-19 via human-to-human transmission in public region sustains a relatively low risk of infection. Therefore, the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan will be held as scheduled.
- Please wear a face mask during the activity to lower the risk of respiratory infectious disease. (It is also easy to spread novel influenza virus infection now.) People with respiratory symptoms and/or having a fever should take a rest at home and avoid attending events. (Please bring your own face masks.)
- We will ask you to have your temperatures taken upon entering conference rooms and use a hand sanitizer. We really appreciate your support and cooperation!
- We will continue to pay more attention to the epidemic situation announced by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) during the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan. We also provide timely information to all participants, and issue warnings as needed.
Taiwan Centers for Disease Control-
- 依據「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎中央流行疫情指揮中心」監測資料顯示,目前國內之確診病例以境外移入為主,除從事醫療照護工作或與確診病例曾有密切接觸者外,一般大眾於社區感染之風險相對較低。2022臺灣物理年會相關學術議程照常舉行。
- 請大家於活動期間全程佩戴口罩,降低呼吸道傳染病之傳播風險(目前亦適逢流感流行季節)。有呼吸道症狀者或發燒者(耳溫≧38℃;額溫≧37.5℃) ,請您在家休養,避免參加。(請自備口罩)
- 會場將會有服務人員協助大家進行體溫量測及手部消毒,再請大家多多配合。
- 於年會活動期間持續加強關注中央流行疫情指揮中心公布之疫情狀況,適時提供資訊給所有參與人員,並視需求發布警示。
[參考資料] 「COVID-19防疫專區」 (衛生福利部疾病管制暑)