
Uploaded on 2022.01.19



  1. 活動時間:2022.01.24(一)10:00至2022.01.26(三)17:40
  2. 活動地點:國立臺灣師範大學(臺北市文山區汀州路四段88號)
    ● 報到資訊:
    時間 : 2022.01.24(一)10:00
    地點:國立臺灣師範大學 中正堂前方廣場
  3. 由於疫情緣故2022物理年會為實體與線上並行,敬請在111/1/20前告知我們您是否會出席現場會議。(https://tps2022.conf.tw/to?survey),為求評審公平性,口頭競賽者須實體參賽。
  4. 大會將遵照中央流行疫情指揮中心公告措施應變調整,若有進一步消息將寄發通知給所有與會者。
  5. 通行證註冊:配合本校防疫措施,進出本校校園所有人士皆需持本校發送之一日通行證方可進入校園。校外來訪人士請先註冊,以便取得通行證。
    ● 手機註冊 (僅需註冊一次):
    以手機Line掃描右下角 QR Code。(請務必使用 Line 以確保運作正常)
    (請確實填寫,手機驗證碼及一日通行證將透過簡訊傳送) >系統將會自動傳送註冊驗證碼,輸入該驗證碼後即完成註冊。
    ● 校外人士公館校區門口足跡登記(每日更新):
    以手機掃描校園大樓管制站之黃色 QR Code >點選「額溫正常」或點選通行證右下角  >按「確認」,取得「防疫期間一日通行證」(如下圖)
  1. 報到流程說明:
    1. 已完成繳費之與會者:開啟您的Whova QR code->至報到處提供工作人員您的QR code->登記後依報名序號於報到櫃台領取個人名牌及資料袋。
    2. 未繳費或現場報名者:完成現場報名及繳費動作->工作人員手動加入Whova平台->開啟您的Whova QR code->至報到處提供工作人員您的QR code->登記後依報名序號於報到櫃台領取個人名牌及資料袋。


2022物理年會Whova APP:
即時資訊請參考2022物理年會Whova APP,請事先下載以便年會期間使用。
  1. 年會手冊下載處
  2. 停車資訊:


24/ January /2022 (Mon.)10:00~11:00中正堂Jhongjheng Hall
25/ January /2022 (Tue.)9:00~16:30中正堂Jhongjheng Hall
26/ January /2022 (Wed.)9:00~14:30中正堂Jhongjheng Hall




若有其他問題,請洽Ms. Yu-Han Chang (張語涵小姐)
電話:+886-(02)-7749-6666 #6003
地址:11677 臺北市文山區汀州路四段88號公館校區理學院物理學系

2022台灣物理年會籌備團隊 敬上


  Thank you for signing up to participate in the 2022 Annual Meeting of Physical Society of Taiwan. Because of your support, we have more confidence in the success of this event. To ensure a smoother process during the event proper, please read through this notice carefully.

  1. Date:24th. Jan . 2022 10:00 a.m. – 26th. Jan 17:40 p.m
  2. Venue:National Taiwan Normal University
    (No. 88, Ting-chou Rd., Sec. 4, Taipei 11677, Taiwan)

    Parking information:https://tps2022.conf.tw/site/mypage.aspx?pid=211&lang=en&sid=1396
    ● Registration information:
    Time:24th. Jan . 2022 10:00 a.m
    Venue:1st Floor, Jhongjheng Hall, National Taiwan Normal University
  3. Due to the epidemic situation, the 2022 Physics Annual Meeting will be held simultaneously in both physical and virtual formats. Please let us know before 2022/1/20 whether you will attend the on-site meeting. (https://tps2022.conf.tw/to?survey)
    Oral award session participants must physically participate in order for the grading to be fair.
  4. The conference guidelines may be adjusted in accordance with the regulations announced by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC). Notifications will be sent to all participants when updates are made.
  5. Register for a Day pass:All people entering the school's campus must have a day pass given by the school, in accordance with the school's anti-epidemic policy. Off-campus visitors must first register in order to receive a day pass.
    ● Register using your cellphone (You only need  to register once.):
    Scanning the QR Code in the lower right corner with your phone's Line app. (Please test it using Line to ensure it works.)
    Enter the “ID number”, “phone number”, “Name”, "Affiliate (Work) Unit-Physical Annual Meeting".
    (Please fill it out, the mobile phone verification code and one-day pass will be sent by SMS) > The system will automatically send the registration verification code, and the registration will be completed after entering the verification code.
    ● Registration of footsteps for off-campus persons (updated daily):Scan the yellow QR Code at the campus with your mobile phone > Click "Forehead temperature is normal" or click the lower right corner of the pass  > Click "Confirm" to get a "One-Day Pass During Epidemic Prevention" (as shown below)
  6. Description of the registration process:
    1. If you have completed the payment, you should go to the registration venue and present your Whova QR code to staff. Follow the registration number to the venue and receive your personal badge and file bag after registration.
    2. For those who have not yet completed the payment, you may settle the payment on-site on the day of the event. Staff will guide you to join the Whova platform. Turn on the Whova QR code and show the screen to staff. Follow the registration number to the venue and receive your personal badge and file bag after registration.


For additional information, please refer to the 2022 Annual Meeting of Physical Society of Taiwan Whova APP:
In order to speed up the registration process, participants must download the Whova app and join the Whova platform and remember the registration number: 1396XXXX

  1. Download the manual for the annual meeting:
  2. Information on parking:


24/ January /2022 (Mon.)10:00~11:00Jhongjheng Hall
25/ January /2022 (Tue.)9:00~16:30Jhongjheng Hall
26/ January /2022 (Wed.)9:00~14:30Jhongjheng Hall


During the presentations, in order to respect the speakers and participants, please turn off your mobile phone or place it in silent mode.
In order not to delay the start of the seminar, please arrive on time.

Thank you for your participation and cooperation


Contact us
Ms. Yu-Han Chang (張語涵小姐)
Tel:+886-(02)-7749-6666 #6003
Official Website:
Address:Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University,  No. 88, Ting-chou Rd., Sec. 4, Taipei 11677, Taiwan


